Aug 2Liked by Chris Koncz

Chiris the spirituality component of your Substack is a blend for me of interesting learning, sometimes insights I did not get elsewhere, and things that violate my religious teaching. There was a lot of insight and interesting thinking here.

The thing I have the most trouble with is "deities". When I converted to Catholicism, it was explained to me, we do not pray "to" the saints. We ask prayers of the saints. "Mother of God pray for me". In this Substack it appears your prayers are only to various deities and never addressed to God. I assume because God for you is those deities together, or is there one over-arching Father God in addition to all the deities. - Also, as a convert, I have asked prayers of saints but it is not usual. I direct almost all my prayer to God the Father, in Jesus' name. In my imagination it is the Holy Spirit that is hearing my prayer and conveying my prayer to the Father ("The Spirit interceeds for us...". And the three are one.

On a more positive note, I was thinking yesterday "Why has this wonderful thing happened to me - I don't believe in luck" (something good happened) and I thought about your Substack saying getting more in touch with my higher self and wondered if that was happening.

Also, did I understand the central message on unanswered prayer to be something like this: When we ask from our higher self it will be in line with God's will and will be granted. Our ego can ask against God's will and that won't be granted. But we should still pray because God has not made up his mind about some things that could go either way, or because God wants us to work with Him, or why?

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Hi Linda,

Nice to hear you are experiencing some of those synchronicities.

I tried to write a non-denominational view on prayer, which has to encompass a historical overview and to look at all sorts of religions, among which Christianity, and monotheism in general, is just one. Of course it would be easier to just cater to a Christian audience as most of my readers come from that background (in fact, probably all of them), but I find that would be intellectually dishonest.

I did not know that info about saints, thanks for clarifying that.

You are right about the Holy Spirit, it is what conveys our prayer, but there is also a psyhcological component, which I tried to express here, in terms of us being connected to God directly via our higher selves.

There is God, the father, of course, but in my view, he is rather a distant father figure, which is why the intercession of the Holy Spirit is needed.

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