Jul 12Liked by Chris Koncz

There was a lot of good info in here. I'm really curious to know more about the Divine Feminine and Blessed Mother, especially from someone who is not a professing Christian.

And I love that you included a section about the Theosophists taking rituals and beliefs from eastern religions and bastardizing them, which is my big beef with the New Age. When I studied Hinduism (and Buddhism) academically, there was always an emphasis on temporarily accepting (for the goal of understanding) the entire epistemological worldview of the cultures and religions we were studying. So I've always had a problem with problem with people picking and choosing what they "like" or what "resonates" from completely different cultures and using them to form their own "individual spirituality." I don't think it really works like that (though it seems you have an understanding of the mystical workings animating various religions while showing much respect to each tradition, I'm guessing that understanding was hard-won from your OBEs). If you want to worship Krishna or Ganesh then immerse yourself totally in that specific tradition, don't go to a kirtan then charge your crystals in the moonlight and then meditate on your chosen Native American goddess and think you're going to get lasting profound insights. That is capitalist individualistic culture masquerading as spiritual discipline. Devotion, growing in virtue, self-denial, knowledge, humility, prayer, fasting are all important but they need to be grounded in tradition and wisdom for most people to grow closer to God, and for spiritual safety. The problem is most people don't think they're "most people" and fancy themselves as part if the left-hand path.

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Thanks, those are good points. I'm not a fan or spiritual tourism either, even though technically, I also engage in it. But, I see myself more of a synchretizer or a universalist, rather than a pick and choose guy. I see the commonality in all expressions of the divine and try to put them in a framework that can accommodate diverse views and religious figures. This is particularly true of the Divine Feminine, which to me is self-evidently one force or divine consciousness expressing herself in various different ways from the very small to the very big, might concentrate more on this topic in a future post. Appreciate your feedback!

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Jul 13Liked by Chris Koncz

This may not be my best question, but it it the one that keeps coming to me as almost a barrier when I read this article, so I will ask it first.

As a woman, penetration is not something I generally think of as bad. For me, it is God given (but at the right time). I have no desire for anal sex, I feel sure vaginal is better and not physically dangerous like anal, e.g. fissures, etc., so that is what I mean. But the article says the "birth canal" is close to the anal canal and can be used. Agreed it is used in rape ,by the way. What is more regarding penetration, people take enemas, sometimes under a doctor, sometimes at home. They also have colonoscopies (oddly, I'm told I almost died at my last one - I will not have another - because my blood pressure plummeted). So I do not see that all penetration is bad, not as hurting my spirit. Of course, penetration by an object that is too large is bad. I've read detailed descriptions in crime novels about techniques that can be used to stretch the anus somewhat before penetration. I will spare the details.

So for me there is good penetration and bad. Pain = bad. Promiscuous = bad. Self-medicine, I supposed, could be bad. But sex = good. Gynecological and protocological exams = good. (Oh, catheterization is the worst, the trauma and incident of forced catheterization a child will not leave me. Done voluntarily I guess it is OK.)

I am rethinking the question of whether gay promiscuity is more harmful that heterosexual promiscuity. I still think the latter is worse due to more potential to harm women and children, but I've been challenged a lot regarding my views of gay sex and of course gay adoption deprives kids of two complementary role models (I do not think I will ever come to stand in condemnation of a private monogamous non-hurtful act between two consenting adults, however. And transgender poses the greatest threat of all to children and they are not to be taught about it.)

You likely know that with me and with pretty much every Western person of Christian background, you are going to get someone who believes in good and bad. ( Circumstance counts: take a properly prescribed pain pill, for example, but no other narcotic.) Trying to conceptualize Left hand as "sometimes bad" is interesting. However, already I want to move all non-harmful sex to the right hand and all harmful sex to the left hand, in my mind.

Again, with many gay friends in life and two very, very close ones, I know their left had path activities, though both also did a lot with the right. Even if I asked, for example, "Can I go to a sweat lodge?" or "Could you get me some mushroom?" they basically forbade it. I thought maybe they had a trace of misogyny or heterophobia (opposite of homophobia) but I think now they were keeping me on my path. Both say they took a "ladder" to deep spirituality. Rod has explained this a lot. I wish people would leave him be. After some left hand stuff (e.g. LSD) and then leaving that path, of course he wants more info than average about these things, and it is up to him to stop when and if led to do so.

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Hi again,

Not sure I can answer all your points, just a couple of remarks and observations.

I did not mean to insinuate that penetration is in itself bad, only that it can be used for nefarious purposes, when the sexual act is unnatural or let's say diabolic. We all know what that means, it takes spiritual discernment to differentiate a sex act borne out of love and one borne out of the lower, base instincts. I was primarily referring to rape, btw, especially meant to traumatize the victim and especially pertaining to children. This stuff is deliberately used as a mind control mechanism.

Also, the issue is not with gay sex acts per se, rather specifically with anal penetration, which can act as an energetic drain on the receiving partner, and can thus weaken their psychic defences. In terms of generational abuse, or for instance in prisons, it is done deliberately for that purpose.

I realise my point about left hand path does not equal evil per se is going to go over most people's head, especially in the West. It requires a completely different way of thinking and philosophy, which is alien to most of us. TBH even most Indians fear tantra as something potentially evil and few understand what it really is. That being said, a political analogy might serve to illustrate my point.

Neo-Nazis are usually right wing and if they do vote, they will vote for the right wing party. That does not mean that most or even that many right-wing people are nazis (as the left often claims), but if somebody is a Neo-Nazi, they are more likely to be right-leaning in their political views. There is a similar point to be made about the left hand path, most practitioners of it are in no way evil and don't do stuff like human sacrifice, yet if somebody is actually evil and carries out human sacrifice, they will probably be a follower of the Left-Hand path. Not always though, as counterexamples certainly exist. Think about the many crimes the Catholic church has committed over the centuries and you'll see what I mean.

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Jul 15Liked by Chris Koncz

Hi Chris: Thanks for this answer! And let me say again, I learn so much from your columns. It seems to be the nature of "comments" that what I have questions about is what you hear more about from me. I am so very with you on most of this. Especially, especially about vibration.

I think perhaps no spiritual revelation is perfect, and if Tantra is saying anal penetration by a penis is *always* directly spiritually harmful I am not sure that is correct. But I am sure only one or two of my gay friends seem to have had lives with an average or better level of happiness, and I do not attribute their troubles, for the most part, to people rejecting the. So I agree it is a disorder, I just can't forbid any monogamous same-sex touching for those with no alternative and insist on a celibate life for people I pity. It seems Tantra does that? But perhaps Tantra is not saying "always'.

Our basic ground of separation is that I believe there is, no doubt, right and wrong. I am not the arbiter of right and wrong. Circumstances count - don't play "Russian roulette" with drugs (wrong) but a doctor can set proper limits for pain pills (right). People are complicated and no person is to be labeled "evil" or "good" - "the line between good and evil runs through every human heart".

But you see that is my point- there is a difference between good and evil. - Your description of the left hand path included plenty of things that were no problem, or even good "transcend social convention", "personal experience with the Divine" - but, for example, I especially find those two on my right hand path. (I transcend the conventions by refusing to be a Democrat, for example, unlike the vast majority of people from my so-called "class".)

Something I like so much is that I can trust you to disentangle the "New Age" and Theosophist bunk from what is really taught in the East. And there is wisdom in the East, it is not to be ignored, but it has been hard to learn it in the West due to New Age, etc. In saying I want to learn about it, I in no way depart from my Christianity. As I said over at Rod's, C.S. Lewis much admired The Tao.

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Hi Linda, just to let you know I've been on the road for a couple of days, so had no time to respond, but will do so when I can. Cheers!

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Jul 12Liked by Chris Koncz

Chris - this was so interesting and engendered so many questions and comment for me that I don't know where to start. I'll probably start tomorrow - just wanted you to know there is so much here!

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