I will eventually get back to the topic of geopolitics and its Hungarian aspects and ramifications. But today, I wanted to write a bit about what it means to have a spiritual side and how we can balance that with matters of the physical realm.
In fact, I will start by defining what I mean by spiritual.
In my view, there are two realms, in fundamental terms, the spiritual realm and the physical or earth realm. In ancient times, there was a three-world classification, an upper, lower and middle realm, though that came about due to the limits of bronze-age cosmology. Our ancestors saw the world as a flat disc, with a land island in the middle, floating on water, surrounded by ocean on all sides, until you got to the end of the world, where the water just fell into the underworld in a huge waterfall, to be replenished again by rain. Some cultures compared it to an egg, with the oceans being the egg white and the world island (Eurasia+Africa) the yolk. The eggshell was the firmament, upon which were affixed the heavens and the heavenly bodies, usually believed to be literally gods, a belief that is reflected in naming conventions today (Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Sol, Luna, etc…) . The heavenly bodies moved about along the inner surface of the firmament or the heavens in an ordered manner. The sun always set in the West, to disappear into the underworld for the night and illuminate it from below, only to rise again in the East at dawn.
Note: I have included a drawing of Sumerian cosmology as an example, as that is the most ancient one we know of and it probably inspired Abrahamic cosmology as well, since Abraham was originally a Chaldean from the Mesopotamian city of Ur, and the Jews spent a long time in captivity in Babylon, which inherited Sumerian cosmology to a significant degree.
In other words, the ancients saw the three worlds in physical terms and had no concept of higher dimensions, parallel worlds and so on. The heavens were literally outer space, with all the planets and other heavenly bodies, the realm in which gods lived and humans had no access to, until later, with the advent of monotheistic religions and some more recent polytheistic ones. As for the underworld, in general, ancients saw it as a watery realm that was located deep below the surface of the earth, with many different sections or circles within it. Some were pleasant and contained vast kingdoms of immense beauty with exotic creatures, others were purgatory-like, with lost souls wandering thirsty and hungry (a belief the Chinese still hold, hence they hold Hungry Ghost festivals, to feed and provide for their ancestors in the afterlife) and yet others were hellish realms, where demons and devils of grotesque appearance punished those that have lived wicked lives on the surface. In ancient religions, humans had no access to the heavens, which was only for the gods. Once monotheistic faiths came along, and a few centuries before that even, the concept of humans going to heaven as a reward for their good deeds in life came along, which developed in different ways in various cultures.
However, even before modern religions came along, possibly tens of thousands of years prior, the concept of the spirit or the soul was developed in every part of the world. I will use the word spirit here as it is broader and is in fact the root of the term “spiritual”. We can surmise from studying shamanistic beliefs over the world and modern accounts of Near Death Experiences, Shamanistic Journeying and reports of Ayahuasca experiences for instance, that the idea of there being a human essence, that is separate from the body (dualism in philosophical terms), is and probably always was a central part of the human condition.
I myself had an NDE and had been outside my body on a handful of occasions, allowing a certain point of view that is not afforded to most people. Based on these various Out-of-Body-Experiences (OBEs), I was able to draw certain conclusions about the nature of existence, the separation between body and mind, and how physical existence relates to life in the spiritual realm. In my mind, this is empirical and based on rational, unbiased observation, as I was basically an atheist when these experiences occurred and they changed how I view the world and the spiritual realm within it.
Without resorting to the bias that would come from referencing holy books, I can make a few simple, empirical observations about the nature of our spiritual bodies:
There appears to be a second body, subtle in nature, not made of physical matter, but something else, so fine that its substance has been hitherto undiscovered by science
This second body is the blueprint for our physical body, it is the same overall shape and appearance, with even our clothes from every day life copied onto it, most probably as a projection of the mind
This spirit body is very light, essentially weightless, with us just floating effortlessly in mid-air whenever we find ourselves without our physical shell
In relation to the spirit body, the physical body is like a set of clothes, or a glove we put on. The spirit body is our permanent one, physical bodies we can put on and discard as needed. We can temporarily leave the physical body even when we inhabit it. This can occur during Near-Death-Experiences, Out-Of-Body Experiences, Lucid Dreaming, Shamanic Journeying and mystical experiences. Quite possibly, also when under the influence of psychedelic drugs, like Ayahuasca, though the latter is less clear. It would also appear from recent research, that the entheogen DMT, which is also the active compound in Ayahuasca, is the link between the physical and the spiritual, enabling passage between the two world, at least when released by the brain.
The spirit body is more expansive than the physical one. When a person returns to their physical body, they shrink and the confines of the physical body, can feel suffocating or claustrophobic, initially
Existing in the spirit body is liberating and freeing, in contrast, existence in the physical body can feel like a prison. This is probably why there is an unknown mechanism, by which we forget existing in spirit prior to this birth and usually also during sleep
Spiritual beings, that is spirits, angels, demons, fairies, and a host of other mythological beings, exist in spirit bodies only, they have no physical substance. However, in their world, the spirit world, they appear to have concrete, solid bodies, which are however a lot more malleable than physical bodies and also respond to different natural laws than in our reality. That is how phenomena that are impossible in the physical world, can be commonplace, such as flying without wings or shapeshifting.
We can surmise, though cannot prove, for obvious reasons, that a large portion of so-called UAP / UFO, cryptid and paranormal phenomena are in fact spiritual in nature. They may be able to manifest physically for short periods of time, or appear to, but their base state is spiritual in nature.
This spiritual realm is far vaster than our own, containing a multitude of dimensions and conforming to different physical laws. This also explains why so-called paranormal / extranormal phenomena can appear to break the laws of physics. They conform to different ones in their own realm and at intersecting points between the physical and spiritual realms they appear to break our own physical laws, but that is simply due to our lower-dimensional perspective. The spiritual realm contains more dimensions than ours, therefore the ordinary limitations of timespace (such as the lightspeed barrier, time flowing only in one direction and at a steady space, time being only one-dimensional and space being only three-dimensional, etc..) do not apply to spirit beings.
Many technologies that we now have, first appeared in the spirit realm and were used by all sorts of beings well before we invented them. There is probably a pipeline, whereby spiritual technology gets implemented in the physical realm, once human consciousness is advanced enough to receive it, first in terms of inspiration, the normal pipeline for revolutionary ideas, and then by the brain being advanced enough to rationalise and physically actualise the spiritual concept (Idea in the Platonic sense) of any technology.
So, what does all of the above tell us about living a spiritual life and balancing the spiritual, with the physical.
Simply this:
That we are not just made of matter, but spirit also, in fact spirit is our primary form, with matter something we put on temporarily, like an actor who dresses up and assumes an identity for the sake of a stage play. Whilst playing our assigned roles in the great play of life, on the great stage, that is physical existence, we are completely absorbed in this identity and this reality, forgetting our true selves. Spirituality is remembering that we are more than just our bodies, in fact our true identity, our core, has nothing to do with our names, jobs, physical appearances, it is entirely transcendent. It also requires an acknowledgement, that higher beings exist and that we are often at their mercy, hence we must learn to humble ourselves and accept our place in the spiritual hierarchy, which is not necessarily an elevated one. Spiritual beings can range from benevolent to neutral, all the way to purely malevolent. Part of growing up as a species requires the acknowledgement of the true nature of the universe and how small our role within it really is. I suspect we will be truly shocked, when, in the coming years and decades, the true nature of the universe and our role within it, is gradually revealed to us.
Some will be strengthened in their faith, others will abandon it and take up or create new religions based on the vastness of spiritual experiences to be had and the wide variety of spirit beings that will choose to interact with us. My own feeling is, that we are not prepared. We are deficient spiritually and mentally. We haven’t prepared ourselves for what’s out there and we are incredibly naïve. Humanity is facing a huge learning curve, as we come to terms with what’s out there. Authors like Diana Pasulka and Jacques Vallee have already hinted at what is to come, but they’ve barely scratched the surface.
I know that this is a very cursory look at the topic, in subsequent posts, I will go into more detail, as there is so much to explore here. It must be intimated, that there are no set definitions here that we can work with, a lot of this is open to interpretation based on personal experience. I have not detailed my personal experiences here, that may come at a later time. However, I wanted to clarify that my spiritual writing does not come from second or third-hand reports, in this field, I endeavour to write mostly about that, with which I have first-hand experience. I am an eyewitness to a number of spiritual and mystical phenomena, a fact I try to keep secret in my normal, everyday life. The fact is, that the vast majority of people are simply not ready to hear the truth and just dumping the naked reality of what’s out there on them, without any preparation or gradation, would simply be irresponsible.
That is why, I suspect, we are getting drip-fed disclosure information on UAPs, cryptids and interdimensional life forms in a very slow and methodical way. Like I said before, the truth will absolutely shatter world-views, whether it’s religious, scientific or atheistic.
New to your Substack. Very interesting!!! Jonathan Pageau has spoken about “ subtle bodies “ recently, I think in a YouTube video….very informative!